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Financial Dictionary.

This is a browseable and searchable reference tool for terminology relating to UK-based personal finance and financial products.
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Recent Financial Topics


Gareth and Marilyn Hamblin (pictured) lost £300,000 to fraud kingpin Jonathan Arafiena who spent their life savings on cars and watches.

We lost our £300,000 life savings to an investment fraudster who spent it on jet set lifestyle
23/04/2024 09:34 PM

On a Wednesday night in February 2012, in the days when the Lottery results were televised, my husband Colin stayed up to check his numbers.

What it's REALLY like to win the Lottery... by a couple who banked £2.2m
23/04/2024 09:33 PM

A closely watched survey compiled by data provider S&P Global showed private sector activity gathering pace this month with the healthiest expansion since last May.

Boomtime for businesses as the UK economic recovery is 'well under way', economists say
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