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Countdown to Death - How long do you have left to live ? Life Expectancy Mortality Calculator.


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Use this tool to predict life expectancy, then start countdown to your final days.....

This tool calculates life expectancy based upon figures available in the most recently available actuarial tables for the United Kingdom. By being aware of your own mortality, we hope that this will act as a reminder to make the most of the available time that you have left...
Please note that these figures are only statistical averages and cannot take into account your individual circumstances or current state of health. As mortality tables are used to predict average death rates and trends, the best you can say is that you have a 50 percent chance of living longer than the average or a 50 percent change of having a lesser lifespan. The figures are generally accurate for large groups of people, but less so for individuals.
Another use for mortality predictions is life assurance and pension planning.
To use this calculator, input your Date of Birth, gender, and if you wish, your name, then click the 'calculate' button to calculate your life expectancy.
This calculator stores a cookie on your machine, so that if you return to the calculator at a later date, it will recommence the countdown without you having to input your details again.
[To erase the cookie / stored settings, click on the link at the bottom of the calculator screen].
Q & A: When I return to the page, my life expectancy appears to have increased. Why ? Life expectancy is not linear - it is based upon your current age. If you ask the question 'Who has the longest life expectancy - a 30 year old man or a 60 year old man ?' - The answer is the 60 year old man - because he has already reached the age of 60, and is likely to live longer, whilst there is no guarantee that the 30 year old man will live to the age of 60. Therefore, in actuarial terms, the older you are, the longer your life expectancy (although expectency inevitably does shorten after a certain age).
The figures projected by the calculator are only for guidance purposes, and are by no means guaranteed.

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